Monday, December 28, 2015

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (1963)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (1963) – V. De Sica

Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni star in this Italian sex comedy divided into three tales in three cities.  In the first and best episode, they are a poor couple selling illegal cigarettes to make ends meet and discover by chance after being busted that Sophia can’t go to jail when she is pregnant – 7 kids later and Marcello is tired out, so Sophia winds up in the slammer.  In the second episode, Sophia is a rich businessman’s wife, slumming it with poor but sexy Marcello – but when she lets him drive her Rolls, it doesn’t end well.  Finally, in the third episode, Sophia is a classy call girl who accidentally charms her neighbors’ grandson who was about to become a priest.  In order to persuade him not to give up his calling, she swears off sex for a week, much to the chagrin of Marcello a visiting businessman from Bologna.  Ranging from sentimental to wryly funny to a bit too sexist for modern times, we nevertheless get a zesty look at Italy and an acting class from two at the top of their game.

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