Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Invisible Woman (1940)

☆ ☆

The Invisible Woman (1940) – A. E. Sutherland

Well, I think it was intended to be a comedy but perhaps the 1940s era humor is lost on me.  Or rather, it just isn’t very funny.  John Barrymore is at his broadest as the goofy scientist who invents an invisibility machine and then tries it on Virginia Bruce, a model who wants to scare her boss.  There are the usual gags about having to be naked while invisible and then there are the other gags about having to be naked while invisible.  Then Shemp shows up with a few other bad guys who steal the invisibility machine for Oskar Homolka who wants to sneak back into the US from Mexico (after fleeing the law).  Thankfully, it is mercifully short.  Somehow I thought I was going to be watching a sequel to the 1933 Claude Rains horror film.  Might work better as the B picture in a double feature for a nickel.

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