Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

☆ ☆ ½

Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) – S. Pink

That wasn’t exactly my 1980s (Poison, Motley Crue) but there is enough cheesy stuff from the decade on display here (when John Cusack et al. accidentally travel back in time in their hot tub) to make me wonder how we lived through it.  Naturally, Cusack and his friends aren’t allowed to change anything in the past to avoid affecting the future but they want to and this is basically the engine that drives the plot.  I think that would be enough to create a funny movie but, no, the creative powers behind this one had to layer on the usual unfunny crassness to try to create laughs where laughs aren’t.  Rob Coddry is particularly grating.  (There may also be an odd conservative political undertone). But some of this still works, even if there are tiresome bits to sit through.  I’ll admit that I’m rarely on the same wavelength with Hollywood comedies, but hey there’s Crispin Glover and Chevy Chase and that funny feeling of weird nostalgia now that we’re old(er).

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