Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Big Steal (1949)

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The Big Steal (1949) – D. Siegel

After their success with Out of the Past (1947), screenwriter Daniel Mainwaring and stars Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer are back in this light-hearted chase film with Don Siegel at the helm.  Noir by association only (given its crime theme and the presence of other Noir stars like William Bendix), the action takes place in Mexico, where Patric Knowles has apparently absconded with the military payroll (in Mitchum’s possession) and $2000 of Greer’s money (a romance swindle).  Bendix is Mitchum’s superior officer who thinks Mitchum stole the money himself;  Mitchum is chasing Knowles across Mexico to get it back with Bendix hot on his heels.  Greer is along for the ride.  There are a few twists but nothing gets as dark as you would see in a traditional noir – all told, it’s good for a bit of fun but doesn’t hit any deeper notes.

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