Sunday, December 27, 2015

Billion Dollar Brain (1967)

☆ ☆ ½

Billion Dollar Brain (1967) – K Russell

Michael Caine’s third go-round as British spy Harry Palmer, directed by Ken Russell no less, is pretty much a dud and ended the series.  Caine has turned Palmer into almost a non-entity – the cogs turn inside his head but there is no outward sign of this.  He gets the job done.  This time he is in Finland trying to figure out what Karl Malden is up to (assisted by or thwarted by Francoise Dorleac).  It turns out that Malden is working for crazy Ed Begley, a fervent Texan anti-communist, painted in broad strokes, who wants to destroy the USSR by provoking a Latvian uprising.  Possibly Ken Russell’s hand is seen in some of the over-the-top montages but otherwise he is relatively restrained.  I struggled to pay attention.

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