Saturday, December 26, 2015

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)

☆ ☆ ½

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) – R. Meyer

Famously scripted by critic Roger Ebert, this was exploitation director Russ Meyer’s big shot at success, backed by a major studio.  However, today it comes across as terribly dated, half-baked, and, alas, pretty boring.  The stars weren’t exactly chosen for their acting prowess (given Meyer’s well-known predilections) and the camera tends to leer until the editor quickly cuts to something tamer (but too many quick cuts annoy this viewer).  The plot revolves around a girl rock band that travels to California and possibly gets an inheritance but certainly gets mixed up with some odd characters (one of whom spouts Shakespeare-sounding lines – Ebert’s contribution?), do a lot of drugs, and pretend they are the Strawberry Alarm Clock.  Originally rated X for violence (not sex, apparently, although don’t quote me on that).  Give it a miss.    

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