Monday, December 28, 2015

Tales of Terror (1962)

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Tales of Terror (1962) – R. Corman

Roger Corman directed this trilogy of Poe tales for American International Pictures following the success of The Pit and the Pendulum (also starring Vincent Price).  Other better Poe adaptations with Price were to follow but this triptych does have some charm.  Price is suitably haunted by the death of his wife, Morella, and the return of his long lost daughter in the first tale.  In the second, Peter Lorre takes center stage as a drunken reprobate who comically matches wits with Price’s expert wine-taster leading to a twist on The Cask of Amontillado.  Finally, Basil Rathbone appears as a mesmerist who offers the dying Price freedom from pain in exchange for the chance to hypnotize him at the moment of death (with hypnotic control extending beyond the grave).  Creepy fun for 90 minutes scripted by horror maestro Richard Matheson.

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