Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Sentinel (1977)

☆ ☆ ½

The Sentinel (1977) – M. Winner

Well, director Michael (“Death Wish”) Winner is a hack but the cast had enough solid names (Burgess Meredith, Martin Balsam, Arthur Kennedy, even Ava Gardner and John Carradine) and the post-Exorcist “hell is real” theme could be spooky if done well – so I took the leap.  However, we are mostly treated to the subpar acting of Cristina Raines and Chris Sarandon and amazingly nothing really happens for most of the picture, though I’ll admit the concept is a bit creepy.  The film attracted some condemnation (and not just by the Church) due to its sudden over-the-top conclusion involving real people with deformities (cf. Tod Browning) as well as actors in make-up.  This turn toward exploitation was probably too much of a shock for a mainstream film—but the whole enterprise isn’t scary (although it is weird), so there you go.

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