Sunday, December 27, 2015

X: The Unknown (1956)

☆ ☆ ½

X: The Unknown (1956) – L. Norman

In the same vein as Hammer’s contemporaneous Quatermass pictures, X: The Unknown is British sci-fi themed horror with serious social commentary (about radioactivity) thrown in for good measure.  It starts well, with a sort of “Val Lewton” asthetic – low budget and what you can’t see just might be more scary in your imagination.  Dean Jagger is on hand as a scientist who is doing experiments on neutralizing atomic bombs when the monster strikes, killing a few soldiers and leaving a huge fissure in the earth.  Then, a few more victims before we see the horrible sludge creature that lives on radiation (even attacking a hospital to get some).  Unfortunately, the scientific mumbo jumbo can only get you so far and the film stumbles along to its fully expected conclusion.   

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