Saturday, December 26, 2015

Planet of the Vampires (1965)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Planet of the Vampires (1965) – M. Bava

Apparently an inspiration for the plot of Alien and not unlike a long episode of Star Trek (which debuted the following year) BUT directed by Mario Bava the Italian horror maestro (see Black Sunday, Black Sabbath, Blood and Black Lace, etc.).  So, the colors are astonishing, the camera glides in an unusual way, the actors (though of soap opera calibre) have great costumes – really the art direction stands out.  At times this is like watching an experimental film, with all the interesting shapes and colors – but, again, the plot is rather slow moving and the acting is almost like a satire of stock sci-fi characters.  In short, after hearing a distress beacon, two space ships arrive on a mysterious planet where the crew members are compelled to kill each other (and then to come back as zombies – or hosts to the parasitic beings who live on the planet and must escape it because their sun is dying). The twist ending caught me off guard but I won’t spoil it for you.  A big cut above some of the usual sci-fi tripe of this era. 

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