Sunday, December 27, 2015

‘G’ Men (1935)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

‘G’ Men (1935) – W. Keighley

Cagney really did have that star quality and he easily carries this exciting tale of FBI agents (‘G’ Men) trying to stop a ruthless bank-robbing gang.  It’s another variation on the “street kid turns cop” legend with Cagney being raised and having his education paid for by a notorious bootlegger who wants him to follow the straight and narrow (initially as a lawyer, but when his FBI friend gets bumped off…).  Director Keighley keeps things rip-roaring, especially at the end when the G men are allowed to carry tommy guns and the whole place gets torn up.  I’m sure this was a crowd pleaser in the 1930s and it’s still a great romp.

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