Monday, December 28, 2015

Call Her Savage (1932)

☆ ☆ ½

Call Her Savage (1932) – J. F. Dillon

After a number of sex scandals and high profile court cases knocked her out of the public eye, Clara Bow attempted a comeback with this talkie film.  Referred to as “pre-code” because it was produced before the infamous Hays Code was brought in to mandate decency, happy endings, and good morals (the villain always gets punished in the end).   Here, however, there are numerous transgressions of good taste and acceptable conduct.  For one, Clara doesn’t wear a bra.  Beyond that, there is at least one good cat-fight, some inter-racial romance, a gay bar, and desperate prostitution.  There is also some high melodrama (Clara’s baby dies in a fire).   But none of this seems to change the pace of the movie, which is spoken as though every line was a potential one-liner (with a delay for the laugh, which isn’t warranted in most cases).  So, it just feels a bit odd and unusual, which may have been typical for films in 1932, as sound was just getting established.  A curiosity but no more.

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