Sunday, December 27, 2015

Charlie Chan in City in Darkness (1939)

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Charlie Chan in City in Darkness (1939) – H. I. Leeds

Charlie seems virtually somnambulant here as personified by Sidney Toler.  Perhaps this is because he is overshadowed by Harold Huber who is way way way over the top as a comedic French assistant prefect of police.  Or perhaps it is because he realizes that WWII is about to break out.  Indeed, the film explicitly mentions Chamberlain’s visit to Hitler after the takeover of Czechoslovakia and the mystery revolves around the death of a munitions smuggler in Paris (working for the other side).  So, it is a particularly sombre affair and the comic relief is a bit too heavy-handed.  Still, this series somehow will always take me away from any real problems I might face, at least temporarily.

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