Sunday, December 27, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

☆ ☆ ½

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) – J. Gunn

I guess I have to declare that this isn’t my sort of thing (even though I do like intelligent sci-fi).  I’m not 15 anymore and I found the rock’em-sock’em special effects hard on my eyes – the editing didn’t give me a chance to focus. Plus I find all that CGI pretty boring.  However, comic book movies do seem all the rage these days.  This is probably the first one I’ve checked out – apart from some of the Batman flicks and maybe the first X-men one.  So, I might not be the most reliable reviewer, if this is yer bag.  There were some nice touches:  the ‘70s soft rock did create an emotional connection of sorts for star-lord’s backstory and I liked the character of Groot.  And, yes, it is a comedy (or a spoof) but too laced with that snarky dialogue that has basically taken over everything in the past 20 years. Moreover, I felt thrust into a universe where I didn’t understand the different tribes or characters and I couldn’t quite care whether one planet wanted to destroy another planet or not.  (A number of subgroups in the film seemed to agree with me).  Did I miss something somewhere?  If not, the producers could have done more to develop our understanding.  I guess this has already generated a sequel (or two) but I’ll give ‘em a miss.

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