Saturday, June 18, 2016

Pim & Pom: The Big Adventure (2014)

☆ ☆ ☆

Pim & Pom: The Big Adventure (2014) – G. Smid

Aito and Amon and I went to see this Dutch animated kids’ movie at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image.  It is based on the drawings of artist Fiep Westendorp (who died in 2004) and the story follows the titular cats who get lost and have to find their way home to “the lady” with whom they live.  They are chased by the lady’s two nieces who want to steal Pim & Pom away for themselves, if they can find them (“why are they so mean?” said Aito, aged 6).  The look of the film is very stylized, all flat 2-D and very colourful – these cats have no mouths.  Of course, it has been redubbed in English and there are songs (of the schmaltzy popular variety about friends and sharing and responsibility).  Amon (aged 3 ½) was more-or-less transfixed, although he wanted to leave when things got a little troubling on-screen.  Aito’s attention seemed to wax and wane but, in the end, he gave it four stars out of five and we watched a few related you-tube clips when we got home.

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