Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) – G. Miller

There is no question that this film is a thrilling ride, firing on all cylinders from nearly the very first frame.  It is beautiful to look at and art-directed to high heaven with that post-apocalyptic Australian-outback feel (though it was filmed in Namibia). There are also female characters in some key lead roles (a welcome thing for an action movie), including Charlize Theron as bad-ass one-armed Furiosa who starts the plot rolling by escaping with the creepy bad guy’s five wives to a remembered matriarchal outpost across the desert (which turns out to be decimated by climate change but with a small band of bikies still led by some very tough old ladies).  So, the movie is an endless chase at top speeds in phantasmagorical hot rods and super-trucks taking in a variety of vistas and oddly-dressed tribes along the way – but that’s all it is.  In other words, a gloriously well-realized moment in an imagined dystopic future populated by brutal characters that we never really get to know (particularly Tom Hardy, who has taken over the role of Max from Mel Gibson). So, take a deep breath, hold on, enjoy the rush, and then it is over, not unlike your increasingly sophisticated roller coaster experience.  

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