Thursday, June 2, 2016

Deadpool (2016)

☆ ☆ ☆

Deadpool (2016) – T. Miller

I’ll admit that I haven’t been interested in watching any of the comic book franchise films that are everywhere of late.  I also never got into comics as a kid – although I do remember pondering alternate universes and who belonged to which league/world when I borrowed some from other kids at summer camp.  I don’t think I could name you any of the X-Men (except Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart). And I don’t recall this guy Deadpool at all. My first reaction to him was that he is just another wise-cracking American dick dropping cultural references to show the audience how smart the writers are – and there is a lot of that in this film.  There’s also ultra-violence, swearing, and some sex/jokes (hence, the R rating). My usual reaction to these kinds of slam-bang CGI-laden action films is blah.  But after sleeping on it, I think this one actually captures a sort of comic-book charm (for adults) that isn’t far off my hazy recollection of the complexity and confusion and sheer WTF-ness of those handful of superhero rags I actually read.  Perhaps just watching this one movie out-of-context isn’t too far from those odd experiences at camp that gave me just a taste.  So, I guess I’ll wait another couple of years before I try this experiment again so the element of bewilderment doesn’t wear off.

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