Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Karate Kid, Part II (1986)

 ☆ ☆ ☆

The Karate Kid, Part II (1986) -- J. G. Avildsen

There’s an easy-going likeability that infuses Part II of the series, sort of like an extended episode of your favourite Seventies TV show.  There are good guys (Mr Miyagi, Daniel-san), there are bad guys (Miyagi’s nemesis Sato and his evil student) and there are love interests for both Miyagi (Pat Norita) and Daniel (Ralph Macchio).  The action takes place in Okinawa (filmed in Hawaii) where Mr Miyagi is called to return when his father lays dying.  So, this is that extended episode of that TV show where the whole cast travels to another location and has adventures there. We spent a lot of the movie playing the “Are they really Japanese?” game. Director John G. Avildsen (who also directed the first movie as well as Rocky) manages to create tension but still keeps things light-hearted (the bad guys are really buffoons).  Near the end, I realised we hadn’t seen Daniel fight at all, which was surprising – until well, you’ll have to watch the film!  Amon thought it even better than the first one.


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