Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Incredible Journey (1963)

☆ ☆ ½

The Incredible Journey (1963) – F. Markle

Maybe we should have watched the 1993 remake but Amon and I stuck with this version of the true story (?) that I recalled from my childhood.  Two dogs and a cat made a 250-mile trek to return to their owners’ house, somewhere in Canada.  Fortunately, the animals don’t speak themselves – there is a narrator (yodeller Rex Allen) who details the events in a folksy (dated) style.  A few humans interact with the animals, usually helping them in some way; for example, one couple removes porcupine quills from the golden retriever’s face after an unfortunate encounter.  The animal actors really are quite good – interacting with a bear, for example – and did that cat really get sucked into the raging river rapids? But, at the end of the day, I have to concur with Amon who declared the film “too boring”.  (Perhaps attention-spans and tastes have both changed in the intervening decades?).

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