Saturday, April 11, 2020

Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)

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Escape to Witch Mountain (1975) – J. Hough

I had a fond memory of liking this one back in the Seventies and so I asked the kids to watch it with me.  I could not remember a whit.  So, in fact, I enjoyed the suspense.  The film starts unusually “in the middle” with two kids, Tia (Kim Richards) and Tony (Ike Eisenmann) being dropped off at an orphanage after their foster parents have died.  Soon, we learn that these kids have psychic powers, which soon come to the attention of a rich businessman (Ray Milland) by way of his employee (Donald Pleasance).  After forged papers release the kids to Pleasance, they spend one night in Milland’s mansion before they realise that trouble is afoot and escape.  The rest of the movie is one long chase – the kids take refuge in Eddie Albert’s Winnebago and he drives them toward their home (revealed by a hidden map in Tia’s “star case”) at Witch Mountain.  There are some funny moments during the chase but perhaps some of it is funny due to the era’s silly special effects.  Aito was not impressed (although I caught him laughing).  Amon might have been a little bit scared.  I enjoyed the nostalgia and the Disney-fied weirdness. 

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