Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Endless (2017)

☆ ☆ ☆

The Endless (2017) – J. Benson & A. Moorhead

What have we here?  There’s an outsider/weird American folk horror/stoner vibe to the proceedings (set in rural southern California) that usually garner praise from these quarters  except for the fact that the acting by the leads (also the directors) is sub-par and also because the film dissolves into some sort of self-reflexive in-joke that goes nowhere.  But aside from that I really dug the weirdness:  two guys who were raised in a cult (but then escaped as young adults) return, because of a VHS tape and then nostalgia.  Of course, the prophecies of the cult (three moons etc.) start to come true – or maybe it’s the drugs everyone is doing? A lot of this is just cult members talking but there is a steady sense that something is going to happen (sex, horror, both?). Someone (Glenn Kenny?) mentioned Annihilation (2018) and there’s the same fried feeling here (and invisible god/monster?) and the same eventual total collapse of logic.  But I get the feeling that some viewers don’t quite care whether plots hold up (see the straight-to-video horror genre, for example) and, for them, any WTF is good WTF. I guess I prefer it when there’s actually a pay-off.  But yeah, this has the vibe.

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