Monday, September 11, 2017

The Nutty Professor (1963)

☆ ☆ ½

The Nutty Professor (1963) – J. Lewis

I thought I should give Jerry Lewis a chance, seeing how he died and all, but you know, this was just too stupid for me.  I mean, this was the famous one, right?  Or is he better in other pictures that he directed? Or in those early films with Dean Martin?  I’d really only seen him in The King of Comedy (1982) and Funny Bones (1995) and perhaps random other places (that telethon).  I gave Bob Hope a chance and that didn’t work out so bad.  But here, despite the well-known premise (nerdy Professor Kelp drinks a potion that turns him into swanky egomaniac Buddy Love, a supposed rip on Dean Martin), everything was less than I expected.  I pondered a bit on Jerry’s direction of himself – he does “hold the beat” longer than expected, presumably to milk the laugh…or to create it.  Things feel a bit made for TV – sort of children’s humour – and the straight roles (i.e., Stella Stevens) are too credulous to accept.  Jerry might be slightly preferable in the Buddy role, but to what end? Am I being too tough?  We can agree to disagree on this one.  For the record, I don’t require all my comedy to be smart or sophisticated, but I do prefer it to be funny. Still, a couple of points for the concept, which might have been fresh once upon a time (and, no, I won’t be checking the Eddie Murphy version anytime soon).

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