Friday, April 22, 2016

Violent Saturday (1955)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Violent Saturday (1955) – R. Fleischer

Take one part noir-ish bank heist film featuring Lee Marvin with a bad cold and another part widescreen Technicolor over-the-top sub-Sirkian melodrama (including alcoholics, peeping toms, and nymphos), add a heaping helping of Victor Mature, stir well.  Garnish with Ernest Borgnine playing Amish.  The result is a bizarre cocktail that is rather intoxicating in its strangeness even as the ingredients threaten not to hold together at all.  The dusty vistas of Arizona look great with their several shades of dirt and Fleischer frames the action well even if things get a bit coagulated at times.  The sudden violence (of the title) comes as a surprise in the final moments.  This could have after-effects.  Do not drive after consuming.   

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