Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Vampire Lovers (1970)

☆ ☆ ½

The Vampire Lovers (1970) – R. W. Baker

At the start of Hammer Film’s decline, they took advantage of the era’s growing permissiveness to merge their longstanding interest in vampires (who are by nature the most erotic of monsters) with an effort to attract viewers with titillation (which admittedly wasn’t too far from their agenda with their previous period costumes for actresses). Here, Ingrid Pitt, with her Garbo-like Polish accent, makes a redoubtable lesbian vampire (from the oft-filmed tale by Sheridan Le Fanu), seducing (and killing) the young ladies of the village, under the watchful eye of Christopher Lee surrogate, John Forbes-Robertson. Unfortunately, the best and spookiest scene occurs before the opening credits roll and from then on in things are rather lacklustre, although presented with Hammer’s usual flair for set decoration. Peter Cushing makes what amounts to a guest appearance. Look elsewhere for your British horror thrills.

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