Friday, April 29, 2016

Union Station (1950)

☆ ☆ ☆

Union Station (1950) – R. Maté

Snappy by-the-numbers police procedural with William Holden as the head railroad cop at Union Station (which may or may not be in Chicago) who has to deal with a kidnapping case.  Director Rudolph Maté shoots this as a noir but the tone is light not dark even if the kidnapper seems especially brutal and the cops are not above ignoring their prisoners’ rights.  Perhaps Police Chief Barry Fitzgerald with his Irish charm (turned up strong) softens the edge or maybe Holden’s aw shucks attempts at romancing the key witness (Nancy Olson) divert our attention from the poor blind girl who is stuck down in the tunnel.  At any rate, the result is an enjoyable thriller but not much more.

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