Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Great Train Robbery (1978)

 ☆ ☆ ½

The Great Train Robbery (1978) – M. Crichton

I had never heard of this Sean Connery-Donald Sutherland vehicle directed by Michael Crichton from his novel (and also starring Lesley Anne Down). And now I know why – it is deadly dull. It’s hard to say what went wrong – it must have looked great on paper. Crichton had already directed Westworld (1973) and Coma (also 1978), which were hits. Connery was done with Bond and making some odd films (Zardoz!) but still a big star. Sutherland was already very esteemed after MASH (in a number of foreign films and in the concurrent Invasion of the Body Snatchers remake). But despite the high production values (the film takes place in London in 1855) and a plot with numerous twists, as Connery (already a gentleman but also a thief) strategizes how to rob a moving train containing gold destined for Crimea (or perhaps coming from there), the film just doesn’t feel exciting. Even Connery doing his own stunts – walking on top of the train and ducking when it went under bridges – doesn’t add any zing. I’m sure this is only one of the many expected blockbusters cast by the wayside along the road to fame and fortune – I hope I don’t run into too many more.


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