Saturday, October 16, 2021

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)

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Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) – G. Lucas

I am pretty sure I fell asleep when watching this a couple of decades ago but there was no chance of that this time, as the kids howled and booed whenever a romantic scene (between Natalie Portman’s Senator Amidala and Hayden Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker) came on. In truth, these did slow the movie down. Aside from this, I still found it difficult to get my mind around the unfolding transition between the Republic, with the Jedi as its police force, and the evil Empire, now composed of the Trade Federation and a growing number of Separatist planets – led by Christopher Lee’s Count Dooku (really a stand-in for Darth Sidious who I think we can agree is also Chancellor Palpatine and later the Emperor). We were stunned when Jar Jar Binks entered a motion to allow the Chancellor to have unprecedented authoritarian powers – what a moron!  As for the Jedi, Ewan McGregor tries his best as Obi-Wan (left to keep the action going in scenes that alternate with the romance plot), Samuel L. Jackson still has nothing to do as Windu – or at least nothing that capitalises on his usual bad-ass charms, and Yoda is left to get the audience back on board (would have loved to hear a Christopher Lee commentary on that final battle – surely he was bemused to see this turn in his career). Now who ordered the army of clones and whether Yoda commandeered them for the big battle remain obscure for us. Not sure what to make of his suggestion that the Clone Wars have begun (did we need to do some background reading?). Boba Fett’s origin story is pretty confusing too.  At any rate, we are expecting that all will be resolved in Episode III, which has to be better than this, right?

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