Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Karate Kid (1984)

 ☆ ☆ ☆ ½

The Karate Kid (1984) – J. G. Avildsen

My sons are learning karate now, so Amon and I decided to watch this 80s classic (which I had in fact never watched).  Director John Avildsen made his name with Rocky (1976) so I knew what to expect (if everything about this film wasn’t already cultural knowledge). Daniel (Ralph Macchio) moves from NJ to California with his single mum and encounters bullies there (and also falls in love with Ali/Elizabeth Shue).  He is taken under the wing of the building maintenance man, Mr Miyagi (Pat Morita), who eventually agrees to train him in karate.  The bullies, it turns out, are from a local dojo run by a sadistic Vietnam Vet and the head bully, Johnny (William Zabka), is Ali’s ex.  Trouble continues until everyone agrees to lay off until the big karate tournament at the end of the year.  You know what happens but Avildsen et al. handle the emotional pay-off well.  Amon is in the other room saying “wax on, wax off” right now – I hope this won’t affect his real training.


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