Sunday, March 14, 2021

Side Street (1950)

 ☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Side Street (1950) – A. Mann

Reteaming of Farley Granger and Cathy O’Donnell (after the successful They Live By Night, 1948) as a young couple about to have a baby in post-war NYC.  He’s a part-time mailman and they need to live with her parents to get by.  When temptation rears its head, he steals some money, which turns out to be $30K, the proceeds of a blackmailing scheme in which one of the principals was offed to keep her silent.  But he doesn’t know that. He tries to give the money back but the hoods won’t take it because they think they are being set up.  But it turns out that the envelope with the money was empty anyway. So soon both the cops and the bad guys are after poor Farley.  He makes a go of it, trying to find the money before the crooks do and with his picture all over the newspapers wanted for murder. Director Anthony Mann (known for his noirs as well as his westerns) keeps things interesting with some great location shooting and it ends with a bang. Not sure we need the voiceover to let Granger off the hook, however.   


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