Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Gentlemen (2019)

 ☆ ☆ ☆ ½

The Gentlemen (2019) – G. Ritchie

After a few duds, Guy Ritchie has gone back to his trademark formula (Lock, Stock etc.) to offer up this easy-going action flick that is, well, all style and not much substance.  Sometimes that’s what you want but it isn’t going to inspire any deep thinking.  Matthew McConaughey is an American expat who has set up a very large cannabis syndicate in the UK, which he now wishes to sell.  However, the potential buyer and the competition are not particularly trustworthy.  We learn this because the story is told in flashback by Hugh Grant who plays a private detective who has been following the action and is now prepared to blackmail McConaughey by exposing him to the press.  He reveals what he knows to McConaughey’s loyal deputy (Charlie Hunnam) and the plot moves back and forward between the flashbacks and the interaction between Grant and Hunnam. Colin Farrell is good in a small well-defined role. It’s all a bit of fun but laced with profanity and sometimes derogatory slurs for ethnic and sexual minorities (why include this, I always think – it undercuts the fun).  As usual, the plot clicks into place with a few surprises -- but are surprises surprising when you expect them?     


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