Saturday, February 15, 2020

Shine (1996)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Shine (1996) – S. Hicks

This biopic of pianist David Helfgott was Geoffrey Rush’s breakthrough role (he won the Oscar as well) but he is only really in half the film.  Helfgott’s teenage years and early 20s are played by Noah Taylor (who is also good).  But Rush does have the showier role, portraying Helfgott after his nervous breakdown when he has spent 10 years in a psychiatric hospital and has developed some vocal tics and mannerisms.  To Rush’s credit, he really throws himself into it, including learning as much of the piano parts that he could to serve as his own hand double (the actual playing is offscreen by Helfgott himself).  Armin Mueller-Stahl plays Helfgott’s stern father who pressures his son to become a piano superstar but then restrains him from taking up offers to study overseas. Helfgott eventually defies his father to study at the Royal Academy of Music in London.  But the parental pressure eventually causes Helfgott to crack -- and Taylor gives way to Rush.  The story arc naturally points to redemption, otherwise this would be a depressing tale indeed.  Everyone acquits themselves admirably but the film does wrap up abruptly. Biopics are tough to get right.  Nevertheless, it’s good to see an Aussie story on the big screen.

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