Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dracula A. D. 1972 (1972)

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Dracula A. D. 1972 (1972) – A. Gibson

A good premise from Hammer Horror that finds Christopher Lee (Dracula) and Peter Cushing (Van Helsing) transposed to then modern day (but now very dated) London.  Of course, Dracula has been resurrected once again, this time by Johnny Alucard (Christopher Neame) who somehow has remained young for 100 years.  Or alternately, it is Alucard’s descendant who has inherited Dracula’s ashes and now uses them for the horrible ritual which brings his master back to life, just as it is the descendant of the original Van Helsing who must fight Dracula again in the 20th century.  As you would expect, there is the usual teensploitation element here, with our 70s kids experimenting with drugs and sex and tight clothes.  The movie plods for a while as they get around to raising Dracula and then being killed by him.  Fortunately, Cushing is soon to the rescue, running across London to the sound of a Shaft-like score (to save his grand-daughter who has been kidnapped by the Count).  And, as usual, things do not end well for Dracula.   

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