Sunday, December 18, 2016

Thunder Road (1958)

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Thunder Road (1958) – A. Ripley

Robert Mitchum plays up his “bad boy” charm as a “transporter” running illegal moonshine across the South in a souped up 1950 Ford.  Mitchum also produced and co-wrote the title song (not the Bruce Springsteen song, which only stole its title from this film) and no doubt selected his son, James, to play his younger brother.  You’ll need to set aside the unusual move that sees Mitchum still playing a kid at 40 but that’s probably not all that requires suspension of disbelief here.  Yet the action sequences, with the Feds and some crooked mobsters chasing Mitchum, feel authentic and so too do some of the Southern locations (filmed in and around Asheville, North Carolina).  I hear this is a “cult classic” and I don’t think it warrants that status but it’s not bad.  If only the rest of the acting was on Mitchum (Senior)’s level. 

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