Friday, October 14, 2016

Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970)

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Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970) – P. Sasdy

One of the better Dracula sequels from Hammer Films (and there are a number of bad ones).  Christopher Lee was apparently reluctant to return – and he doesn’t have too many lines here (simply “the first”, “the second” and “the thirrrrrrrd”) -- but he is still a magnificently evil presence.  The plot revolves around three businessmen (in the early 1900s) who seek to experience thrills in this life, even going so far as to be willing to sell their souls to the devil.  Of course, when the ritual actually occurs they wimp out – the reconstituted blood of Dracula does not seem too palatable to drink (and a prelude to the movie shows us how it was obtained).  The grown children of the businessmen, two young women and two young men, add romance to the story but Dracula soon has the girls under his sway (‘natch).  As usual, Hammer’s production values are ace, lending spooky period atmosphere to the proceedings.  Worth a look if this is your thing.

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