Sunday, July 24, 2016

Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947)

☆ ☆ ½

Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947) – J. Rawlins

Low budget serial that was soon to move to TV, featuring Ralph Byrd as the fabled detective.  Here, he comes face-to-face with Boris Karloff as Gruesome, a nasty thug who gets his hands on a scientist’s new chemical that has the power to freeze people in their tracks, virtually unconscious (but actually freeze-framed).  This enables a major bank robbery but fortunately Dick’s girlfriend Tess is in the phone booth at the bank, impervious to the gas and able to call the cops.  The comic book action is writ large and fairly silly but not so much as Batman the 1960’s TV series (for example).  So, things might be a bit dull if the proceedings weren’t lifted by Karloff’s special touch.  Somehow I thought Tracy would be a bit sterner but he seems a fun-loving joe here.  No gadgets anywhere in sight.

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