Thursday, January 28, 2016

Killer’s Kiss (1955)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Killer’s Kiss (1955) – S. Kubrick

Kubrick’s second feature is a straight film noir, albeit at the tail end of that genre’s heyday.  But you can see his creative spark in the film’s style -- or perhaps he’s crossed the line into ostentatious style for style’s sake?  In this way, the film draws from Orson Welles (perhaps especially The Lady from Shanghai for the final fight to the death).  However, the low budget and the New York City locations also bring Cassavetes to mind (although this film is clearly scripted whereas Shadows was…less so).  Down and out fighter Davey Gordon (played by Jamie Smith) falls for his neighbour Gloria (played by Irene Kane) who is in a mess of trouble because of her involvement with dancehall mobster Rapallo (Frank Silvera).  There’s a pretty brutal boxing scene, a nice tracking shot in the dancehall, a few optical special effects, and that scene with the naked mannequins at the end.  In fact, there’s a few nods to voyeurism along the way which serve to increase the tension (sex plus violence).  Worth a look, especially if you think of this as a student film.

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