Friday, March 31, 2023

The Bridge (Series 1; 2011)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

The Bridge (Series 1; 2011) – M. Mårlind, H. Rosenfeldt, & B. Stein

In search of a series that I can watch in the limited time between when the kids go to bed and when I need to get some shut-eye before work the next day, I turned to yet another cop drama/serial killer thriller. This one did come highly recommended – from Sweden/Denmark. We begin with a dead body found on the bridge between Copenhagen and Malmo, neatly placed exactly halfway across the border. Swedish detective Saga Norén (Sofia Helin) takes charge of the investigation – she has an unusual way of interacting with people, let’s say she is neurodivergent – but she is an excellent detective. She is partnered with Danish investigator Martin Rohde (Kim Bodnia) who is bemused by her behaviour but comes to feel affection for her. His family life is complicated – his 20 year old son from a former marriage has just started living with him and his wife and their young children. As the case unfolds, the writers deftly weave the lives of the detectives into the fabric of the mystery – is the killer someone they’ve known or worked with? What is his motive? The 10-part series is gripping enough and the characters are rich and charismatic – it might lead to binge watching.  But, in the end, it's just another in a long line of similar thrillers, enjoyable while it lasts, but evaporating soon after. I’m not sure I’m ready for the second series just yet, but maybe someday.


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