Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Pagan Peak (Season 1; 2018)

 ☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Pagan Peak (Season 1; 2018) – C. Boss & P. Stennert

Looking for another TV series to stream when there isn’t time or energy to watch films and I came across this one on SBS On Demand.  Although it seemed at first to have supernatural overtones (due to the serial killer’s use of Krampus masks and iconography), it quickly turned into just another police procedural, albeit one that takes place in a very scenic location – in the Alps on the border of Germany and Austria.  The two detectives do get fleshed out across the 8 episodes with Ellie Stocker (Julia Jentsch) from Germany transforming from optimistic and even bubbly to more beaten down and world weary and Gedeon Winter (Nicholas Ofczarek) from Austria moving in the opposite direction from cynical and disengaged to sensitive and involved.   We also eventually get to meet the killer and learn about him.  So, yes, this is one of those shows where the suspense slackens and it turns to a game of cat-and-mouse rather than whodunnit.  The ending of Season 1 is poignant and fitting. Overall, Pagan Peak is watchable but not particularly thought-provoking.  I’m not sure I need to watch Season 2.


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