Sunday, July 17, 2022

Alligator (1980)

 ☆ ☆ ☆

Alligator (1980) – L. Teague

Robert Forster is an endearing hero in this low budget Jaws-knockoff notable for its screenplay by John Sayles (who used his fee to finance his early independent features). Perhaps because of that screenplay, the film doesn’t take itself seriously, sporting a very fake animatronic gator and the occasional ridiculously gruesome bite effects (that’s what you came for, right?).  The plot revolves around a pet baby alligator flushed down the toilet, Big Pharma flushing illegal hormones into the sewer, and the resulting toxic combo.  Forster is the dedicated cop who pulls out all the stops to find and destroy the gator, even after he’s kicked off the force and Robin Riker is the herpetologist (and love interest) who helps him. Everyone else here is incompetent and most get crunched.  Fun for a brainless night in!


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