Saturday, February 5, 2022

Alucarda (1977)

 ☆ ☆ ☆

Alucarda (1977) – J. L. Moctezuma

Psychotronic insanity here. Horror but not scary. Exploitation, for sure, but not leering (despite the plentiful nudity). After her parents are killed, Justine is sent to a convent/girl’s school where she falls under the influence of Alucarda, another girl who is too curious for her own good.  In the woods, they meet a satyr-like man (with billy goat beard) who may actually be Satan himself. After an orgy (and lesbian tryst) they shock the nuns with a Satanic pledge. In response, the nuns organise an exorcism for Justine – but it goes horribly wrong. Soon everyone is covered in blood (some also naked), Alucarda is summoning demons, Justine is murderous, and nuns are dying left and right. You’ve got to marvel at the sheer craziness on display and the willingness for all involved to go for the gusto.  Mexican director Moctezuma captures something weird here, using limited resources to good effect – of course, it’s not for the easily offended.


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