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Liquid Sky (1982) – S. Tsukerman
Rather strenuously
outré, boho, taboo-breaking although not exactly in a comic vein like Waters
but more straight-faced like Warhol/Morrissey (or perhaps it seems that way because
it is set in Manhattan). It’s also a one-off early ‘80s curio that is now a
time capsule for a scene that’s gone (weird fashion, spare angular music).
Aliens in a tiny flying saucer arrive on the roof of a model’s building (she
lives in a very art-decorated but also somehow trashy penthouse). According to
a wandering scientist, they seek heroin (and there are a lot of junkies in this
film) but soon they discover that chemicals in the brain during orgasm are even
better and they start abducting (or maybe absorbing) people having sex. The model at the nexus of all this (Anne
Carlisle) also plays another male model (which results in some tricky
camerawork/staging). But let’s face it, the plot is totally besides the point
here and instead you get a melange of drug use, sex, sweary ranting, Altered
States styled computer animation/modification, dancing, glow-in-the-dark
make-up, and attitude, mixed with some boring dialogue scenes. It probably doesn’t quite add up (and could
be confronting) but it is certainly a thing to behold.
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