Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Heist of the Century (2020)

 ☆ ☆ ☆

The Heist of the Century (2020) – A. Winograd

Commercial film-making Argentina-style – which is to say, not all that different from Hollywood film-making (or that’s clearly the goal).  Sure, this heist caper is based on a true story, the biggest bank robbery in Buenos Aires circa 2006 and it’s somewhat wacky – but not nearly enough – instead, the film follows the usual genre formula.  First, we see dope-smoking martial arts instructor Fernando (Diego Peretti) come up with his plan (to access Banco Rio’s safety deposit boxes via a tunnel dug upward from a storm drain).  Then, we see him get his team together – chiefly, professional thief Luis Mario (Guillermo Francella), who doesn’t want to put up with Fernando’s loopiness, and a few other guys with smaller speaking parts.  Most of the running time is taken up with the actual heist and it’s handled well by director Ariel Winograd.  Luis Mario keeps the hostage negotiator busy while the rest of the team executes the theft. Of course, there’s fallout after the robbery, but you expect that.  In fact, there’s nothing really unexpected about this film at all – but it’s perfectly acceptable as light entertainment.  


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