Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Attack the Block (2011)

 ☆ ☆ ☆

Attack the Block (2011) – J. Cornish

A young John Boyega (pre-Star Wars) plays the leader of a gang of kids in a housing estate block in South London who have to fight off some “alien gorilla wolf MFs”.  I’m maybe not the right demographic for this (which would seem to be young stoners?) but there’s no denying that it gets right to the action and doesn’t really flag. That might also be a weakness (i.e. no time for character development) but if you think so, you’re watching the wrong picture. Billed as an action-comedy, I guess it could be funny but I didn’t laugh; however, the non-CGI aliens are pretty effective. Overall, I think it wins because of its warmth toward its characters, pushing past the initial semi-stereotypical presentation to treat them more humanely.  We also get a nod to racial and class harmony with the inclusion of Jodi Whittaker who is first mugged by the kids and then ends up fighting the monsters with them.  A bit of a feel-good finale for you but I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way for this one.  


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