☆ ☆ ☆ ½
The Dead Don’t Die (2019) – J. Jarmusch
No doubt some viewers came to this film
expecting a Shaun of the Dead styled zom-com starring Bill Murray or perhaps even
an actual horror film. Instead, they got
Jim Jarmusch’s droll take on the genre, which is closer to George Romero’s
original blend of horror and social commentary but slowed way down and speckled
with the director’s trademark ironic humour. I agree with those who said that
the film seems to be rather pointless – most of the social commentary is
reserved for a monologue from Tom Waits’ Hermit Bob at the very end (basically “humans
suck”). The rest of the film is just
opportunities for Jarmusch’s friends (Adam Driver, Chloe Sevigny, Iggy Pop) to
play at being zombies or to lovingly recreate and/or offer some references to
the genre (aping Romero’s idea that consumerism = zombie-ism) or to cool
culture (comic books, movies), set to a guitar-driven soundtrack by Jarmusch’s
band SQÜRL (and the title country music song). Tilda Swinton gives a very weird turn as a
katana-wielding Scottish mortician. It’s
all pretty easy-going, nothing new on the zombie front, nor really on the
social commentary front. Given the pessimism here (and some of the music), I
guess you might call it a dirge. No one
exactly seems like they are having much fun (except Swinton), Bill Murray most
of all.