Friday, September 6, 2019

Faces Places (2017)

☆ ☆ ☆ ½

Faces Places (2017) – A. Varda & JR

I’d never heard of JR, the young French photographer/muralist, until he teamed up with venerable director Agnes Varda (originally of the French New Wave and more recently a champion essay filmmaker) to make this documentary. Together they travel the countryside, meeting the locals and taking giant photos of them and pasting them on barns, buildings, and water towers.  The effect is admittedly pretty cool and Varda crafts the cinematic result for maximum charm, highlighting the rapport between the 33 year old and the 88 year old (although they didn’t meet on the dance floor).  Things do become personal, as Varda navigates their search to a memorial for one of her favourite authors (Nathalie Sarraute) and to the graves of photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and his wife.  Finally, she arranges to meet up with Jean-Luc Godard himself (because JR’s penchant for always wearing shades reminds her of him) and the film suddenly careens toward a peak, with the heightened expectation that these two Nouvelle Vague veterans will meet on camera!  And then, what? We’re left wondering what happened.  And now Varda has passed (early in 2019), leaving a huge legacy and some very wistful films – like this one.

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