Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hold That Ghost (1941)

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Hold That Ghost (1941) – A. Lubin

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello are a pair of gas station attendants who accidentally find themselves the last people with a notorious gangster when he is killed in a shoot-out with the police and, surprisingly, become the beneficiaries of his will.  They inherit a seemingly haunted roadside tavern.  Trapped there with several other people (including comedienne Joan Davis) they find trouble and eventually treasure.  This story is book-ended by scenes in a nightclub with The Andrews Sisters (who also appeared in Abbott and Costello’s first film) and bandleader Ted Lewis.  These scenes seem tacked on to add a variety element to the picture, not all that uncommon during the forties. Bud and Lou are in fine form, hilariously and ridiculously bumbling through every scene and situation.  The plot is just an excuse for their routines and antics.  But this isn’t Bergman and it’s all easily forgotten a few hours later. 

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