Friday, March 11, 2016

Marie Antoinette (2006)

☆ ☆ ½

Marie Antoinette (2006) – S. Coppola

Stylishly shot and lavish in production values but empty and too long, this biopic of Marie Antoinette is a bit of a dud.  Too bad, because I really want to like Sofia Coppola’s movies! We should be simpatico and not just because we are from the same generation – she also likes indie rock.  Plus, I don’t mind style over substance – in fact, excessive style can be a plus (a la Orson Welles).  Yet, after The Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation, I haven’t enjoyed any of her subsequent features.  Perhaps they are too dull (Somewhere), insipid (The Bling Ring), or awkward (the mash-up of indie rock and American teen behaviour with Versailles in the 18th century found here).  Nevertheless, Kirsten Dunst does have presence and valiantly uses her charm to give the film some spark – but it can’t be sustained.  Jason Schwartzman is vacuous (presumably on purpose) and Steve Coogan is unfathomably here in a straight role.  But there are some great looking shots, sets, and locations.  

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